Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C-Side Development

Code: MB7-702

Exam MB7-702 - Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 C-Side Development

Skills measured

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

Describe the data and process models (10‒15%)

  • Explain the table types and characteristics
    • Explain the characteristics of master tables, supplemental tables, subsidiary tables, ledger tables, register tables, journal tables, document tables, document history tables, and setup tables
  • Describe the standard data model and process model
    • Describe the data model diagram, describe standard data flow and typical data triggers

Implement master tables, pages, and documents (10‒15%)

  • Track participants
    • Develop participant tracking solutions, describe triggers and multi-language support
  • Manage seminars, instructors, and rooms
    • Describe seminar management; explain a setup table, master tables, and pages; design seminar management solutions; develop solutions to manage instructors and rooms; create seminar tables and pages
  • Implement documents
    • Describe registrations; design a solution for registrations; develop registrations; use objects as text files; describe multi-language functionality in text messages; explain document pages, page functions, virtual tables, temporary tables, and system tables
  • Describe the table code
    • Describe seminar registration line table code, the seminar charge table, the seminar comment line table, and pages

Implement posting and dimensions (10‒15%)

  • Explain posting, and develop a posting solution
    • Describe the journal, ledger, register, tables, and pages; identify journal posting codeunits; explain the journal and document posting processes; describe the example posting routine, existing objects, and code comments; diagnose performance issues; create journal and document posting routines; create and modify codeunits, tables, and pages for a posting solution; complete the journal and ledger tables registration posting; create codeunits and pages for seminar journal posting; create tables and pages for posted registration information; modify tables, pages, and codeunits for resource posting; create codeunits for document posting
  • Integrate seminar management with dimensions
    • Choose dimension types, set up dimensions, describe the dimensions data model, design and develop integration of seminar management with dimensions

Implement feature integration and role tailoring (10‒15%)

  • Integrate seminar-management features
    • Modify tables that contain data, design and develop seminar feature integration
  • Enable the Navigate feature
    • Describe Navigate feature architecture, develop solutions for the Navigate feature, integrate objects with the Navigate feature
  • Explain role tailoring
    • Describe the RoleTailored user interface, Role Center, actions, ribbon, activities, lists, charts, and profiles
  • Develop the seminar manager Role Center and department page
    • Design seminar manager Role Center solutions, develop seminar management department pages
  • Create and design MenuSuite objects
    • Describe the fundamentals of the MenuSuite object type, explain the design levels, create and design MenuSuite objects, explain how searching functions by using the Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013 Windows client

Create reports and manage statistics (10‒15%)

  • Design and create a participant list report
    • Design and analyze solutions; differentiate between GUI design, functional design, and table design; create seminar participant lists
  • Develop invoice posting batch jobs
    • Design and analyze solutions, create invoice posting batch jobs
  • Manage seminar statistics
    • Design and analyze solutions, add statistics to the Seminar Management module, create FlowFields of the Sum type, create seminar statistics pages

Implement interfaces and Web Services (10‒15%)

  • Automate email communication with participants
    • Explain how to implement automation and OCX controls to perform tasks by using other applications, describe file handling functions to import or export data, design and implement email capability
  • Explain Web Services
    • Explain Web Services architecture, SOAP Web Services, page operations with SOAP Web Services, extension codeunits, and OData Web Services; handle user interface interactions
  • Develop a Web Service
    • Design, develop, and test registration Web Services; create Web Services; create Windows form applications to test Web Services

Test and debug code (10‒15%)

  • Test the seminar management solution
    • Describe test-driven development fundamentals; test features, codeunits, and functions; explain transaction models for test functions; describe the use of ASSERTERROR in test functions; use handler functions; test pages; create and run a test runner codeunit; design and develop seminar management test solutions; create seminar management unit tests
  • Debug code
    • Activate the Microsoft Dynamics NAV Debugger, use breakpoints, run and track code

Optimize for SQL Server (10‒15%)

  • Explain SQL Server integration and database tasks with Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    • Explain the advantages of using SQL Server for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2013, describe Microsoft Dynamics NAV tables and indexes in SQL Server, explain how to share data across companies, obtain a list of indexes and their definitions
  • Use collation, the SQL Server Profiler, and the SQL Server query optimizer
    • Describe collation, order by sort, describe the value of the SQL Server query optimizer, gather SQL Server statistics, explain SQL Server Profiler terminology
  • Optimize a Microsoft Dynamics NAV application
    • Optimize SumIndexField Technology (SIFT) tables and indexes, describe the index usage query, define keys to improve performance, describe implicit and explicit locking, identify problems with NEXT, define suboptimal coding and other performance penalties, analyze index usage, optimize C/AL code
  • Explain data access redesign
    • Describe simplified deployment, explain decreased resource consumption, identify caching, describe performance improvements
  • Describe C/AL database functions and performance on SQL Server
    • Describe the GET, FIND, NEXT, CALCFIELDS, CALCSUMS, COUNT, SETAUTOCALCFIELDS, INSERT, MODIFY, DELETE, and LOCKTABLE functions; explain dynamic result sets
  • Describe bulk inserts, locking, blocking, and deadlocks
    • Describe bulk inserts; identify bulk insert constraints; describe locking, blocking, and deadlocks; explain the benefits of avoiding deadlocks
  • Describe SIFT data storage in SQL Server
    • Identify SIFT data storage in SQL Server

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