Accessing Data With Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Code: 70-516

Exam 70-516 - Accessing Data with Microsoft .NET Framework 4

Skills measured

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.


Microsoft Training10265 - Developing Data Access Solutions with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

Model data (20%)

  • Map entities and relationships by using the Entity Data Model
    • Use the Visual Designer, build an Entity Data Model from an existing database, manage complex entity mappings in EDMX, edit EDM XML, map to stored procedures, create user-defined associations between entities, generate classes with inheritance and map them to tables
    • This objective does not include: using MetadataWorkspace
  • Map entities and relationships by using LINQ to SQL
    • Use the Visual Designer, build a LINQ to SQL model from an existing database, map to stored procedures
  • Create and customize entity objects
    • Configure changes to an Entity Framework entity, use the ADO.NET EntityObject Generator (T4), extending, self-tracking entities, snapshot change tracking, ObjectStateManager, partial classes, partial methods in the Entity Framework
  • Connect a POCO model to the Entity Framework
    • Implement the Entity Framework with persistence ignorance, user-created POCO entities
    • This objective does not include: use the POCO templates
  • Create the database from the Entity Framework model
    • Customize the Data Definition Language (DDL) (templates) generation process, generate scripts for a database, Entity Data Model tools
  • Create model-defined functions
    • Edit the Conceptual Schema Definition Language (CSDL), enable model-defined functions by using the EdmFunction attribute, complex types

Manage connections and context (18%)

  • Configure connection strings and providers
    • Manage connection strings, including Entity Framework connection strings; use the Configuration Manager; correctly address the Microsoft SQL Server instance; implement connection pooling; manage User Instance and AttachDBfilename; switch providers; implement multiple active result sets (MARS)
    • This objective does not include: use the ConnectionStringBuilder, Oracle data provider, create and use a custom provider, use third-party providers
  • Create and manage a data connection
    • Connect to a data source, close connections, maintain the life cycle of a connection
  • Secure a connection
    • Encrypt and decrypt connection strings, use Security Support Provider Interface (SSPI) or SQL Server authentication, read-only versus read/write connections
    • This objective does not include: Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)
  • Manage the DataContext and ObjectContext
    • Manage the life cycle of DataContext and ObjectContext, extend the DataContext and ObjectContext, support POCO
  • Implement eager loading
    • Configure loading strategy by using LazyLoadingEnabled, support lazy loading with POCO, explicitly loading entities
  • Cache data
    • DataContext and ObjectContext cache, including identity map; local data cache
    • This objective does not include: Velocity, SqlCacheDependency
  • Configure ADO.NET Data Services
    • Create access rules for entities, configure authorization and authentication, configure HTTP verbs

Query data (22%)

  • Execute a SQL query
    • DBCommand, DataReader, DataAdapters, DataSets, manage data retrieval by using stored procedures, use parameters, System.Data.Common namespace classes
  • Create a LINQ query
    • Syntax-based and method-based queries, join, filter, sort, group, aggregation, lambda expressions, paging, projection
    • This objective does not include: compile queries
  • Create an Entity SQL (ESQL) query
    • Join, filter, sort, group, aggregation, paging, use functions, query plan caching, return a reference to an entity instance, use parameters with ESQL, functionality related to EntityClient classes
  • Handle special data types
    • Query BLOBs, filestream, spatial and table-valued parameters
    • This objective does not include: implement data types for unstructured data, user-defined types, Common Language Runtime (CLR) types
  • Query XML
    • LINQ to XML, XmlReader, XmlDocuments, XPath
    • This objective does not include: XSLT, XmlWriter
  • Query data by using WCF.NET Data Services
    • Implement filtering and entitlement in WCF.NET Data Services, address resources, create a query expression, access payload formats, Data Services interceptors

Manipulate data (22%)

  • Create, update, or delete data by using SQL statements
    • Create/Update/Delete (CUD), use DataSets, call stored procedures, use parameters
  • Create, update, or delete data by using DataContext
    • CUD, call stored procedures, use parameters
    • This objective does not include: ObjectTrackingEnabled
  • Create, update, or delete data by using ObjectContext
    • CUD, calling stored procedures, using parameters, setting SaveOptions
  • Manage transactions
    • System.Transactions, DBTransaction, roll back a transaction, Lightweight Transaction Manager (LTM)
    • This objective does not include: distributed transactions, multiple updates within a transaction, multiple synchronization of data within an acidic transaction
  • Create disconnected objects
    • Create self-tracking entities in the Entity Framework, attach objects, DataSets, table adapters

Develop and deploy reliable applications (18%)

  • Monitor and collect performance data
    • Log generated SQL (ToTraceString), collect response times, implement performance counters, implement logging, implement instrumentation
  • Handle exceptions
    • Resolve data concurrency issues (handle OptimisticConcurrency exception, Refresh method), handle errors, transaction exceptions, connection exceptions, timeout exceptions, handle an exception from the Entity Framework disconnected object, security exceptions
  • Protect data
    • Encryption, digital signature, hashing, salting, least privilege
  • Synchronize data
    • Online/offline Entity Framework, synchronization services, save locally
  • Deploy ADO.NET components
    • Package and publish from Visual Studio, deploy an ADO.NET Services application, package and deploy Entity Framework metadata
    • This objective does not include: configure IIS, MSDeploy, MSBuild

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