Recertification for MCSD - Windows Store Apps Using HTML5

Code: 70-490

Exam 70-490 - Recertification for MCSD - Windows Store Apps Using HTML5

Skills measured

This exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. View video tutorials about thevariety of question typeson Microsoft exams.

Please note that the questions may test on, but will not be limited to, the topics described in the bulleted text.

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Design Windows Store apps

  • Design the UI layout and structure
    • Evaluate the conceptual design; decide how the UI will be composed; design for the inheritance and re-use of visual elements (e.g., styles, resources); design for accessibility; decide when custom controls are needed; use the Hub App template

Develop Windows Store apps

  • Implement search
    • Provide search suggestions using the SearchPane and SearchBox control class; search and launch other apps; provide and constrain search within an app, including inside and outside of search charm; provide search result previews; implement activation from within search; configure search contracts
  • Implement Share in an app
    • Use the DataTransferManager class to share data with other apps; accept sharing requests by implementing activation from within Share; limit the scope of sharing using the DataPackage object; implement in-app Share outside of Share charm; use web links and application links
  • Integrate media features
    • Support DDS images; implement video playback; implement XVP and DXVA; implement TTS; implement audio and video playback using HTML5 DRM

Create the user interface

  • Implement WinJS controls
    • Flipview; flyout; grid layout; list layout; menu object; WebView; item container; repeater
  • Implement HTML layout controls
    • Implement layout controls to structure your layout; implement templates and bindings; support scrolling and zooming with CSS3; manage text flow and presentation, including overflow
  • Create layout-aware apps to handle windowing modes
    • Use CSS3 media queries to adapt to different devices; respond to changes in orientation; adapt to new windowing modes by using the ViewManagement namespace; manage setting for an apps view

Program user interaction

  • Notify users by using toast
    • Enable an app for toast notifications; populate toast notifications with images and text by using the ToastUpdateManager; play sounds with toast notifications; respond to toast events; control toast duration; configure and use Azure Mobile Services for push notifications

Manage security and data

  • Choose a data access strategy
    • Choose the appropriate data access strategy (file based; web service; remote storage, including Microsoft Azure storage and Azure Mobile Services) based on requirements
  • Retrieve data remotely
    • Use XHR or HttpClient to retrieve web services; set appropriate HTTP verb for REST; handle progress of data requests; consume SOAP/WCF services; use WebSockets for bidirectional communication
  • Manage Windows Authentication and Authorization
    • Retrieve a user’s roles or claims; store and retrieve credentials by using the PasswordVault class; implement the CredentialPicker class; verify credential existence by using credential locker; store account credentials in app settings
  • Manage Web Authentication
    • Use the Windows.Security.Authentication.Web namespace; set up OAuth2 for authentication; CredentialPicker; set up single sign-on (SSO); implement credential roaming; implement the WebAuthenticationBroker class; support proxy authentication for enterprises

Develop Windows Store apps

  • Create background tasks
    • Implement the Windows.applicationmodel.background classes; implement WebUIBackgroundTaskInstance; create a background task to manage and preserve resources; create a background task to get notifications for an app; register the background task by using the BackgroundTaskBuilder class; prioritize tasks by using the Scheduler namespace

Discover and interact with devices

  • Capture media with the camera and microphone
    • Use CameraCaptureUI to take pictures or video, and configure camera settings; use MediaCapture to capture pictures, video, and audio; configure camera settings; set media formats; handle media capture events; implement advanced photo capabilities, such as sequence mode, thumbnails, and focus mode
  • Get data from sensors
    • Determine the availability of a sensor (Windows.devices.sensors); add sensor requests to the app manifest; handle sensor events; get sensor properties; determine location via GPS; enable geofencing
  • Implement device access
    • USB; Bluetooth; Human Interface Device (HID); 3D printer support; Point of Service (PoS) devices

Program user interaction

  • Implement Play To by using contracts and charms
    • Register an app for Play To; use PlayToManager stream media assets; register an app as a PlayToReceiver; programmatically implement PlayTo functionality
  • Notify users by using Windows Push Notification Service (WNS)
    • Authenticate with WNS; request, create, and save a notification channel; call and poll the WNS; configure and implement push notifications by using Azure Mobile Services

Enhance the user interface

  • Design for and implement UI responsiveness
    • Choose an asynchronous strategy between web workers and promises; implement web workers; nest and chain promises; make custom functions promise-aware; improve interface performance by using the Scheduler namespace
  • Implement animations and transitions
    • Apply animations from the animation library (WinJS.UI.animation); create and customize animations and transitions by using CSS; apply transformations; create animations by using keypoints; apply timing functions; animate with the HTML5<canvas>element

Manage data and security

  • Design and implement data caching
    • Choose which types of items (user data, settings, application data) in your app should be persisted to the cache based on requirements; choose when items are cached; choose where items are cached (Microsoft Azure, Azure Mobile Services, remote storage); select a caching mechanism; store data by using indexDB, LocalStorage, and SessionStorage
  • Save and retrieve files
    • Handle file streams; save and retrieve files by using the StorageFile and StorageFolder classes; set file extensions and associations; save and retrieve files by using file pickers and the folder picker; compress files to save space; access libraries and KnownFolders, for example, pictures, documents, and videos; manage appearance of the file picker; improve searchability by using Windows Index; integrate OneDrive with apps; compare files; manage libraries
  • Secure application data
    • Encrypt data by using the Windows.Security.Cryptography namespace; enroll and request certificates; encrypt data by using certificates; revoke file permissions

Prepare for a solution deployment

  • Design and implement a test strategy
    • Design a functional test plan; implement a coded UI test; design a reliability test plan, including performance testing, stress testing, scalability testing, and duration testing; simulate in-app purchases
  • Evaluate and configure for Windows Store deployment
    • Configure app options to submit to the Windows Store, such as age restrictions, privacy statement, permissions, images, and contact information; create application files, resource files, and application bundles; verify application readiness by using the Windows Application Certification Kit (WACK)

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